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Head Office
Rua Heliodoro Salgado 36A
2830 - 346 Barreiro
(+351) 212 061 335
(+351) 212 061 336
Leirinav Lda
Cursos de Soldadura
Cursos de Soldadura
Quality Welding School
Training perfection

Practice proves that merely training welders to obtain an officially recognized diploma is not enough for them to achieve good results under difficult circumstances. We only need mention difficult welding positions, or welds which are so difficult to reach that almost impossible welding positions and a very limited, let alone clear-, view of the welds are the result. Effective training in simulated
practical environments is therefore an absolute must.
QWS Leirinav provides additional training courses in the arts of SMAW,and FCAW welding and the gouging of carbon based metals. At the end of the courses each participant undergoes a welding test under the supervision of Lloyds Register. If the test is successful under the strict
current code specifications, Lloyds can use the laboratory test report to make out a final certificate. After completing a course, the welder will have expanded his or her field of expertise, and more specifically, expanded it to the level which is demanded by- and customary in, the Offshore and Heavy Construction industries. By tailoring the training course and sessions to the individual participant’s level of competence , their points of departure are considerably strengthened.
Participation from level 4 upward

The required level of competence for a participant to join a course is important, especially concerning the FCAW process. We set the minimum required level at 4. An admission test will demonstrate the participant’s skills.

Target group

As mentioned, the level at which a student is enrolled into the course is determined after taking an admission test. However, with the present legislation and standardization in mind, it is also possible to test welding certificates that welders already have and that have achieved them a place in practice, against their skills. If a certificate has expired, or if legislation changes, then there is always the possibility of renewing or prolonging the certificate, subject to a test under surveillance of the LRS in- spection authorities. Should additional education or training be required or advised, then that requirement or advise is followed up.